Spelman College is the academic incubator to many passionate young women hailing from communities throughout the United States and abroad. Each "Spelmanite" looks forward to the day that they can officially call themselves a Spelman Woman. In this past beautiful month of May, many of our sisters achieved that goal and commenced to their next chapters of adulthood. I hope that this can be as encouraging to YOU as it is to me. To all of my Spelman Sisters, don't forget that "Its your choice, and YOU choose to change the world"
We are students of Spelman and Morehouse College, combining and sharing our thoughts, ideas, and new found discoveries, as we learn and grow in our professions. Join us and check out our FRESH new outlook on film and the entertainment world, and watch as we begin to use our abilities to enlighten and better the world around us with our own personal Spice!
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