"Better on the other side" Tribute to MJ by THE GAME, USHER, BOYZ II MEN, CHRIS BROWN ...
Produced by Dj Khalil
I know we are blogging about movie producers today but we have to make an exception since it is Michael Jackson day today. A good brother of mine who graduated from Morehouse that goes by Dj Khalil isnt a movie producer but a music producer. He just produced a track for The Game, Usher, Boyz II Men & Chris Brown called "Better on the other side"-Tribute To MJ This song really touched my Heart.. Big ups to my Morehouse/LA West Coast Brother DJ Khalil for Pouring those tones out like that! R. I. P Michael Jackson 1958-2009 "Better on the other side tribute to MJ" by THE GAME, USHER, BOYZ II MEN, CHRIS BROWN ...
We are students of Spelman and Morehouse College, combining and sharing our thoughts, ideas, and new found discoveries, as we learn and grow in our professions. Join us and check out our FRESH new outlook on film and the entertainment world, and watch as we begin to use our abilities to enlighten and better the world around us with our own personal Spice!
This song is deep...i really like it.
ReplyDelete....but why is Game up in the tub with candles n stuff, with his pants on? That didn't make any sense to me. But hey...