Pops Told me that the whole World is stage.. "HEY I WANNA ACT IN IT!"
Yes its TRUE! I have always wanted to be an actor when I was growing up. Moms had me enrolled in Faith Acting Studios in LA. Every second there was opportunity to audition for the LEAD CHARACTER, you better BELIEVE that I was front in center. Being a firm believer in family, I challenged myself to do a Spike Lee move, and put my family in a project with me like he does with his sister on a lot of his projects. My two family members helped me get back into this acting world. Enjoyment now is not only coming from the directing acting aspect but acting as well. I had fun working on this project with my two nieces, Anais Phillips & Imani Phillips. They tried to tell me what would happen to me if I didnt use AT&T={....... "Anything the MIND could CONCEIVE and then BELIEVE can be ACHIEVED!
We are students of Spelman and Morehouse College, combining and sharing our thoughts, ideas, and new found discoveries, as we learn and grow in our professions. Join us and check out our FRESH new outlook on film and the entertainment world, and watch as we begin to use our abilities to enlighten and better the world around us with our own personal Spice!
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