Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It takes a VILLAGE to raise a child....

The Bible tells us to train up a child in the way that they should go, so when they get old they would not depart.
Majidah Muhammad is most def taking heed to that verse and training up her Pre-K students. How do I know? Because I spent a whole day with her in DC to make sure of that. Not only did I sit in her class from 8am- 3pm, but you already know I had my camera on me... YUP!!! I filmed the whole time while I was there. Being there with the students brought nothing but memories back. Oh! how I reminisced all the way on the plane ride back to Atlanta about how I wish I was a kid again. Majidah opened my eyes to a lot things I was taking for granted. Like the BEAUTIFUL generation thats coming up behind me, and how I will need them to be my doctors & lawyers when I get old. I wouldn't trade that day for anything in the world and I would do anything just to get that day back. It's now days later from when I last saw them and their voices are still in my head. WOW!!! The FUTURE looks good. Check out the video!


  1. The Teach for America post was beyond beautiful! As I hope to be a teacher in the very near future, you filming about something I am deeply passionate about really touched me inside. I have great plans to become involved in education and education reform so I give this one 4 thumbs up, lol! It surely does take a village to raise a child, I just hope that more people would realize the importance in educating our young people. Great job Zek I absolutely adore your work, and this by far has been on of the greatest breath-takers!

  2. I love this! Great handle with the camera and editing.

    Anthony A. Phillips

  3. Beautiful. All praise is due to Allah! Keep educating our youth Majidah and keep showing positivity to the world Ezekiel!
