There is nothing like someone who is down for the REVOLUTION! " Everybody wants to create what they call a leader but a leader is everything that the people want to be but a leader is everything that the people could never be......"
At this point in life I feel as if everyone is suppose to know brotha Huey P Newton's story. If you dont know it by now, you are about to get a lil piece of that Apple Pie, because it is to good not to get a slice. I have so much RESPECT for this brotha Huey P Newton that a couple of months ago I decided to do a piece about him, in front of the camera that was inspired by Rogers Smith film "A Huey P Newton Story" Take a moment 2 take a look
Since I was a child I had visions of the day that I would make it as a BIG time ACTOR in HOLLYWOOD. Now Im just doing it for the LOVE, PASSION, ENTERTAINMENT, & 2 EDUCATE... so go ahead press that play 2 EDUCATED!
I really liked this. Not only was it educational and informative, but it showcased your talent. You and Hope need to continue showcasing your own talent. NM Mom
We are students of Spelman and Morehouse College, combining and sharing our thoughts, ideas, and new found discoveries, as we learn and grow in our professions. Join us and check out our FRESH new outlook on film and the entertainment world, and watch as we begin to use our abilities to enlighten and better the world around us with our own personal Spice!
I really liked this. Not only was it educational and informative, but it showcased your talent. You and Hope need to continue showcasing your own talent. NM Mom
ReplyDeleteOutstanding work Mr. Phillips!! -jserene