Somebody PLEASE tell Mr. Tucker 2 come back 2 the industry.Ok everybody knows Chris Tucker is paid & he doesn't have to do another movie a day in his life. That's not the point!! Mr. Tucker we NEED you!!! "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOOUUTTHHH!!!??" I don't know about you guys, but when people ask me about my favorite top ten comedians, I off top let them know there is no one funnier than Chris Tucker & Martin Lawrence. If I'm not telling the truth please tell me. I just wanted to take the time to share my favorite Tucker movie of all time. Yes! He did his thing in 'Friday' & not only was he HILARIOUS in 'Rush Hour 1', but he came back & did his thing AGAIN in 'Rush Hour 2'. While all those movies had us dying in laughter, those aren't the movies I'm talking about. My all time favorite Chris Tucker movie is.....DRUM ROLLS PLEASE!........ 'Money Talks'. Now that was the funniest movie ever! If you haven't watched this movie in a while, I challenge you to go cop it and pop it in. Last but not least please do me a favor, if you see Mr. Tucker on the streets let him know that he still has a lot more time left in his life to put smiles on people faces. I TRIPLE DARE YOU 2 try and watch this video clip & NOT laugh!
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