My pops wasnt telling a story when he told me that as long as I have FRESH NEW IDEAS flowing then I would NEVER go broke. Check this NEW idea out that someone came up with. ITS BRILLIANT!!!! Twitter T Shirts. WOW! For the his & hers on top of that!! You can purchase a Twitter T shirt from
Its somewhat of an award show season right now, and as we displayed bellow, artists like to do "the most" to make the show entertaining. My question is, however..... Is it true that country star Taylor Swift is coming out with a Hip-Hop mix tape? We witnessed the crossover on the CMT Awards, and it just might make its way up the Billboard Charts! If you missed it, check this out..
I woke up this morning with the word LOVE on my spirit. This should not feel odd the way it felt today, because its suppose to be an everyday feeling. This feeling made me turn on my Ipod to set it on my Oldies but Goodies play list. I really don't know what was in the atmosphere in those times of the GREAT O'Jays but whatever it was, it needs to come back. Men weren't afraid to express there true feelings, and women understood that without their support then it would be difficult for men to make it. Yes we all know the saying "Behind Every STRONG Man Is A STRONG Woman". I decided to give all my fellas out there a task today, and not just today but everyday. The task will be to compliment our BEAUTIFUL women in this world. They mean so much to us. I remember I told my dad one day that I was a P.I.M.P, and he told me that he didn't ever want to hear that again, because I had a MOTHER, SISTER, GRANDMOTHER, and plenty other special women in my life and if I really knew what a PIMP did to our women then I wouldn't have opened my mouth to make that statement. Below is a video I pulled from the O'Jays from back in the days to show that men weren't afraid to show their TRUE feelings and LOVE for our WOMEN. "We Cry Together"- O'Jays
IS IT TRUE OR IS IT TRUE TRUE???? If it is true that Martin and Jamie Fox are REALLY coming out with this movie called "Skank Robbers"this joint will be COMEDY, and must I not forget...IT WILL BE NUMBER ONE IN THE BOX OFFICE! Yeah we all saw it first at the BET Awards Im lucky to find a copy on youtube, because they are all deleted:O
Hey people welcome to our blog, yes we had to do it. Ezekiel & I came up with the idea of bringing you guys some fresh NEW FLAVOR Everyone has a story to tell. We are still working on the blog but rather then to keep you guys waiting we decided to give you all a lil something something:)
We are students of Spelman and Morehouse College, combining and sharing our thoughts, ideas, and new found discoveries, as we learn and grow in our professions. Join us and check out our FRESH new outlook on film and the entertainment world, and watch as we begin to use our abilities to enlighten and better the world around us with our own personal Spice!